Laerskool Generaal Alberts Primary

Facilities - Fasiliteite
Albieland Voorskool - Pre-School
Snoepie - Tuckshop
Ons Snoepwinkel is uitgekontrakteer. Die persoon in beheer is Mnr. Riaan Keyser. Tye van Snoepwinkel is vanaf 07:00 tot 14:30. / Our Tuckshop is contracted out. The person in charge is Mr. Riaan Keyser. The Tuckshop is open from 07:00 till 14:30 every day.
‘n Voorafbetaal Snoepie-kaartstelsel is ook nou beskikbaar. / Please take note that a pre-paid lunch card is now available for the Tuck shop. It is advised that you apply for this card for your child’s tuck shop purchases.
Enige navrae oor die Snoepie kan gerig word aan: / Any enquiries regarding the Tuck shop can be addressed to:
Riaan - 071 086 0186
Stephanie - 063 687 4384
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Naskool - Aftercare
Other Facilities
Well-stocked media center
Sufficient well-stocked classrooms
Excellent sport fields comprising:
2 rugby fields with floodlights
5 netball courts
2 tennis courts
Large pavilion
Athletics track
Club House with toilets and a tuck shop
Extra-curricular play park for pre-primary learners
One of the best cricket pitches in Alberton
Computerized admin- and registration system
Clothing bank
Educational Psychologist
Security cameras
Interactive White Board Technology

Click on the PDF icon to download the application form